True by Erin McCarthy

I’ve enjoyed Erin McCarthy’s adult romance series, Fast Track so I looked forward to this new adult book series.  Erin’s writing always has funny descriptions that make me laugh and cringe with recognition. 

“So I had kind of an awkward girl crush on Grant because it smelled of Possibility.  Like it was not totally out of the realm of possibility that he could actually want to be with me, in some sort of male female capacity.” (Loc. 40)

I dribbled the red liquid all down the front of me.  Nope. Not a fantasy.  Just me, rocking the awk. (Loc. 307)

Having read several new adult novels now, this one had a bit of a different twist with more real world consequences to Tyler’s actions.  I didn’t like how Rory’s “best friends” didn’t seem to trust her to  see to her own love life and set her up with Tyler.  Rory was awfully forgiving of Jessica and Kylie, perhaps Rory was so desperate for friends she’s not so sure how to say no.  I’m interested in learning more about Jessica, as she seems to be running from something, and I’ll happily read the next one.


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