On Dublin Street series, by Samantha Young
For some reason, I thought this would be a PNR like her Ms. Young’s YA novels, when I bought it. The cover doesn't really give me that impression, but it doesn't rule it out either. It's not, at all; it's contemporary.
Joss has walls around her heart to protect--all her family is dead and her best high school friend is, too. Sad. Joss figures, if she doesn't love you, you'll be safe from harm or tragedy. (Now that I write this--pretty arrogant on her part, almost kind of a god complex, to think she has that much power over life events.) Saving grace in all of this is that she understands just how messed up her thought process is and is seeing a therapist.
Braden, our hero, is amazingly patient. I've read lots of comments where he is listed as the new favorite book boyfriend. :)
Kindle Nook
In this companion to On Dublin Street we get Jo’s story. I didn't much like Jo when I met her in in Ms. Young’s earlier novel, so I'm glad to meet her again and get her full story. Jo is so much more than she appears on the surface, something we should all remember about most people we meet. (Judging books/people by their covers/appearances and all that.)
Jo likes rich boyfriends so she can help take care of her younger brother. Mom is an alcoholic and bed ridden. Once we know the reasons behind her choices, and that she only chooses guys she could actually care about, I felt more sympathetic to her plight. She meets Cameron at an art show she attends with her current boyfriend, an older man. Cam make a harsh judgement on Jo. Neither are willing to admit the insta-lust between them. As the story progresses, Jo and Cam’s lives become more intertwined and a real friendship develops.
Characters from the previous novel make appearances, but I’m glad I read it first because I wouldn’t read On Dublin Street now, if I’d read this first. Joss and Elle come across as brash and super girly, respectively. It seemed at odds with Jo’s growth as a person. I’m guessing that the next book will be about Nate and Olivia. I’m in--game on!
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