Toucing Melody by RaShelle Workman

What if the boy you loved was related to the murderer of your parents?  

Awful hook--I know.  I can see why this would appeal to female readers of a certain age, but the story has frequent flaws and plot holes.  Gina, Maddie’s roommate, may or may not have been raped early on in the novel.  Gina is certainly making bad choices, not sure why, I guess that’s the setup for the sequel.  The ending felt rushed and our heroine started to cross the line in to TSTL (too stupid to live)  territory.  The writing wasn’t bad, and the dialogue felt fairly natural.  There are better NA books out there, if you could get this cheap or for free, it would be better.  Amazon has it for $ .99.

Maddie--sheltered freshman college student, orphaned as a child, has a piano scholarship
Kyle--sophomore college student, former best friend of Maddie, abused as a child, piano player, also.


present  day, small college


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