Don't Turn Around by Michelle Gagnon

Peter – after doing some research on the internet, has his door
is broken down, laptop stolen, and life threatened.
Two very computer literate teenagers form an uneasy alliance
when they discover they are running from the same people. Peter, a wealthy amateur
hacker, used to charming his way out of uncomfortable situations, can’t use
those skills this time. Noa, a former foster kid, who has scammed the system so
she’s in charge of herself, finds herself needing the help of others for the
first time.
This moved fairly quickly but I got kind of bored with it
about 75% of the way through. It was beginning to feel like one big, long, chase
scene. It doesn't really end, so if you care, the sequel is Don't Look Now. I got frustrated with the book because it's series title is "PERSEFoNE" and I kept expecting some mythology to be a part of the story, or be related somehow, but if's it's there, it's too subtle even for me. I give this 3/5 stars.
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