Wednesday why not read...Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist?

Told in alternating view points, Nick and Norah give us an inside view of the first night they met, what they did, and how they feel about it. Each of them have serious insecurities from previous relationships so they are hesitant to trust each other, or themselves.  I preferred Nick’s voice to Norah’s most of the time.  She seemed whiny and just annoyed me.  Nick is more open than Nora; he’s a bit like me, which is why I probably liked him better.  He says “There isn’t loneliness, only this intense twoliness,” on page 80.  Wow. 

I did laugh at some of the things Norah commented on, like on page 163 when she says, “All those Jackie Collins novels Caroline and I read in seventh grade are totally starting to make sense.”  (Serious snickering on my part—I think the first dirty book I read was a Jackie Collins novel.)  My first thought was to give this only three stars because the “F” bomb is dropped so frequently in the first half of the book.  After finishing, I decided on four stars, because it got better about the language, and I loved that the whole thing just swept me up into the story.    I bought Nick and Norah, because I really like David Leviathan’s Every Day.  I have Dash and Lily’s Book of Dares, by Leviathan and Cohn, so I think that’s going on my TBR pile.  I’ve not watched the movie that comes from this, but my students tell me I should.

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