Dangerous by Shannon Hale

          Maisie wants to live up to her middle name – Danger, so she applies to an astronaut camp featured on the back of a cereal box. To everyone’s surprise – she actually wins the trip. While there she meets Wilder, and other first team members who are needed to save the world.
          Dangerous is not like the other Shannon Hale books at all. This is modern day with science fiction, rather than high fantasy. There is a romance plot that interferes with the story for me. As smart as Maisie is supposed to be, she seems easily manipulated by Wilder. But then she’s been home school and isolated. (I know a lot of home school kids and they’d all see right through Wilder.)

          Dangerous is a one and done that I think some of my students will enjoy.  It’s not the best I’ve read by Shannon Hale, I like the Goose Girl series better, but I’m curious to see if she stays writing contemporary or goes back to fiction.


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