Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Page

Amy, from Kansas, ends up in Oz. Yes – that Oz. Oh, and Dorothy is still there; it seems Kansas didn’t live up to the magic of Oz, so Dorothy came back. But Dorothy hasn’t been good for Oz, at all. The Order of the Wicked wants Amy to kill Dorothy, so things will go back to normal.   Wow – what a spin.  There are 15 original Oz stories by L. Frank Baum. Some of the characters in Dorothy Must Die are in those original stories. It’s not necessary to know them but it makes for fun Easter egg moments if you recognize the names.  I’ve had a couple of students read this and the biggest complaint is they have to wait for a sequel. I agree it is definitely a cliff hanger ending. The next one comes out later this year, The Wicked Will Rise, and there are two novellas to tide you over until then.  No Place like Oz and The Witch Must Burn (click on the titles to go to Amazon links)


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