Review: Angel Catbird, Vol. 1

Angel Catbird, Vol. 1 Angel Catbird, Vol. 1 by Margaret Atwood
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I think Angel Catbird has potential. The writing felt very simplistic for an Atwood story. So much of issue one is world building but I still wanted more details. The characters are half animals/human and certainly act more animal like than human. Eat a rat? check. Scent a bird? check. Insta-lust? check. The drawing and coloring are detailed and fun to look at. I'll read the second one because I'm in for a new superhero who's human/cat/bird.

There are a lot of banners at the bottom of the pages with animal friendly messages and information. Also,there is tons of exploratory art in the back so you see the progression of the designs for the characters.

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