Review: Crooked Kingdom

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
FEELINGS! So many feelings!
Picking up right where Six of Crows left off, (argh--cliff hanger ending!) we are once again thrust into the Grisha world. Rescuing Inej from capture is the focus of the beginning of the book. Getting their promised money, the rest. A long game is being played by Kaz, and as it was being unveiled there were times I had to turn the audiobook off to take a breather.
I listened to the audiobook, which had a change in one narrator from the previous one. Wylan’s voice was strange at first and his version of Kaz’s voice was jarring. I’d recommend both audios for this series. I almost didn’t want to finish having become enamoured of this world.
I have so many FEELINGS about this book but if I talk about them...spoilers. Suffice it to say--I loved this series, and I didn’t think I would. You don’t need to have read the Grisha series to understand this one.
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