Review: Turtles All the Way Down

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Aza has OCD. Real OCD. Not the kind many of us say when we say "I'm ocd about having all my book covers match, or a series must all be in the same format." When Aza's mind goes into a spiral, it's frightening. I do not have OCD, but I do have someone in my life who has dealt with it, in a milder version than Aza's. After reading this, I feel like I have a better understanding of what it must be like. It is very intense. Daisy, Aza's best friend, is me.
Favorite quote: (made me actually laugh out loud.)
"The whole problem with boys is that ninety-nine percent of them are, like, okay. If you could dress and hygiene them properly, and make them stand up straight and listen to you and not be dumbasses, they'd be totally acceptable." Daisy, page 41.
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