Review: Wilder Girls

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Hetty, Byatt, and Reese go to extremes to figure out the strange disease that has them quarantined at their island boarding school, off the Maine coast. The girls are changing physically, in addition to the mental stress of being isolated with reduced food and supplies. The Tox has taken over the island, infecting the plants, animals, and girls living there. Friendships are forged and tested as survival becomes paramount.
I loved Lord of the Flies when I read it in college and am loving this trend in retellings with gender swaps and modern sensibilities. I first put this in my survival section, but as I read further, I think it fits better in mystery/horror.
P. 121 Byatt: Too bright and too bored and something missing, or perhaps something too much there.
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