The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey

The world has changed.  Aliens have appeared in the sky and two thirds of the population has died.  There are no friendly E.T. aliens here, they want our world, without us in it.  

The 5th Wave is huge, 480 pages, 12 hours and 41 minutes on audio.  That will make it a tough sell for some readers, but it’s action packed and I have several advocates already in  place at school.  The boys put this on my TBR pile.  As big as it is, I think it will make a good movie--there are a lot of introspective thinking scenes that could be done with voice over and flashbacks, on the way to the action sequences.  A bloody plague, bombs, child soldiers, and survival issues will probably carry the film.  But in the mean this!  Both Cassie and Ben tell fascinating stories of how the world has changed and how they’ve had to change attitudes, behavior and expectations.  It’s amazing how priorities crystallize when first world problems are merely luxurious memories, once important but now seen as frivolous and empty.  

Read The 5th Wave, but be prepared to be anxious for The Infinite Sea; at least, you only have to wait until September 16, 2014.


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